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Physical Therapy

How Does Physiotherapy Help with Vertigo and Dizziness

How Does Physiotherapy Help with Vertigo and Dizziness?

There is a lot of confusion between vertigo and dizziness. The sensation of motion in the environment is known as...

Brace Yourself: Exercise Does not Have to Cause Pelvic Pain

Brace Yourself: Exercise Does not Have to Cause Pelvic Pain

When people exercise consistently, they frequently develop pelvic pain. Women who perform Cross Fit or other high-intensity weightlifting may have...

Physiotherapy for Neck Pain and Headaches Treatment

Physiotherapy for Neck Pain and Headaches Treatment

A headache can occur with varying intensity and is often accompanied by neck pain. When you usually have headaches of...

Dealing With Sciatica Pain? Give Physiotherapy A Try!

Dealing With Sciatica Pain? Give Physiotherapy A Try!

Arms, tissues, cartilage, and nerves create a complicated network in our body. The largest nerve in your body is the...

What is involved with Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy?

What is involved with Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy?

Pelvic floor Physiotherapy is a therapeutic method that uses physical therapy concepts to recondition the pelvic floor muscles in a...

Arthritis : Physiotherapy Treatment and Management

Arthritis : Physiotherapy Treatment and Management

We all have heard of the terms 'Arthritis' and 'Physiotherapy' in our day-to-day life. But do we all know what...

How our physiotherapists can help after a car accident

How our physiotherapists can help after a car accident

There are various types of long-term as well as debilitating symptoms that are experienced by many people when they go...

5 Conditions Causing Your Shoulder Pain

5 Conditions Causing Your Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is one of the most common body pains that people struggle within their day-to-day life. The joints of...

What are the 3 Important Functions of the Pelvic Floor?

What are the 3 Important Functions of the Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy?

When you cough or jump, do you ever pee? Do you ever experience discomfort during intercourse? Do you have any...