We are Happy to Welcome You to New Hope Physiotherapy Clinic.
If you are visiting New Hope Physiotherapy clinic for the first time, you need to fill our New Patient Form for getting your initial appointment by clicking at the below link. The forms are also available at the clinic.
All you need to know about first visit?
Making patients feel at home: We have state of art facilities, friendly staff and professional team of therapists and doctors to provide comfortable environment for patients. Our approach to physiotherapy is simple with exceptional outcomes.
Initial consultation: Our physiotherapists review your medical history. Your medical history review will be followed by a physical examination which may include various tests for diagnosis. Once the initial assessment is complete, our physiotherapists will discuss the diagnosis, treatment options, risks, benefits and cost of treatment.
What is the duration for initial consultation? Your initial consultation usually lasts for an hour. Our therapist will diagnose your problem and prescribe initial treatment.
What I am expected to bring during first visit to the clinic? It is advised to bring your doctor's prescription, insurance card, a photo I.D., a change of comfortable clothing or come dressed in comfortable clothing and completed paperwork. If you have any query, feel free to call us or mail us.
Ask your questions and queries: We are happy to answer your questions and resolve your queries regarding scheduling an appointment, treatment, costs and procedures, or any other questions you may have.
Schedule Your Next Appointment: Our physiotherapists provide customised treatment plan for each patient. Your treatment may include one or more therapy options. We will plan & schedule your next appointment as per the treatment plans prescribed to you.