Sciatica is a term that is used to define the symptoms of leg pain, numbness, weakness or tingling, that travels down the lower back through the sciatic nerve in the rear side of leg. Sciatica, sometimes also known as radiculopathy is a description of symptoms and should not be confused with the diagnosis. A degenerative disc disease, spondylolisthesis spinal stenosis and herniated disc are the reasons of sciatica pain.
Symptoms of sciatic nerve pain
Sciatica nerve pain can be irritating and infrequent to incapacitating and constant. Symptoms of sciatic nerve pain depend on the pinched nerve location. The symptoms of sciatica are painful as well as debilitating. And some common symptoms of sciatica are regular pain only on one side of leg, buttock or back pain that's worse during prolonged sitting or leg pain (which is usually defined as tingling, searing or tingling), sharp pain that does not allow you to stand or leg pain radiate down while walk.
Diagnosis for a better treatment
Sciatica pain management or Sciatica treatment starts with the diagnosis, in which doctors go through the medical history of patients and perform a leg examination, back and hips to check strength, reflexes, flexes and sensation. They also go for other test like MRI, CT scans, X-rays and nerve conduction studies so that they can determine the disease or health of a nerve.
Sciatica pain management & its treatment
Certain sciatica symptoms, which are rare in nature require immediate attention. These symptoms include leg weakness (progressive neurological intervention), bladder or bowel dysfunction, spinal tumor or infections they also contribute to sciatica. Sciatica pain management or Sciatica treatment, designed for underlying condition and treatment is focused on overcoming the cause of symptoms rather than limiting their focus just on the symptoms. Treatment for sciatica nerve pain is usually nonsurgical, but for intractable or severe pain specialists refer and suggest surgery.
Sciatica pain treatment exercise focus mostly on three areas such as stretching, strengthening and aerobic conditioning. The exercises or physiotherapy is done in separately or in combinations.
Strengthening exercises: - many exercises strengthen the spinal column and other supporting muscles, tendons and ligaments. Most of these exercises focus not only on lower back, but also stomach (abdominal) muscles and buttock (gluteus) and hip muscles. Strong core muscles can provide relief from pain.
Stretching exercises: - It is usually recommended to alleviate sciatic nerve pain. Stretches are designed to target muscles that are causing pain when they are inflexible and tight. And hamstring stretching is most vital parts of a sciatica pain treatment exercise program.
Low impact aerobic exercise: - Low impact cardiovascular exercises such as spool therapy, walking and swimming are usually considered as components of recovery. As aerobic activities encourage the exchange of nutrients and fluids to create a better healing environment.
Sciatic nerve pain management or treatment is for everyone and anyone undergoing chronic leg pain, any of the suited options are like exercises and physiotherapy can be used. The New Hope Physiotherapy team designs the progressive treatment schedule for recovery from sciatica pain.